Perlen Reihe Bücher, Austrian Cuisine

Verlag Perlen-Reihe
Erscheinungsdatum: 30. März 2015
96 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-99006-043-8

As the Austrians say: Guten Appetit!


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Österreich: Lieferung in 2–5 Werktagen

EU: Lieferung in 5–10 Werktagen

You have always wanted to know how to make a proper Wiener Schnitzel? Or perhaps Vorarlberg’s Kässpätzle have made you eager to try other Austrian dishes? And what exactly is the secret of the famous Linzer Torte?

This book will be your guide on a culinary journey through Austrian cuisine. The brief, easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips included here ensure that each of these 35 classic dishes turns out perfectly.

As the Austrians say: Guten Appetit!